Tips on Filling Out the 2017 Orr Fellowship Application

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Jessica Peine 8/3/2017 9:54

Host Company: Levementum


Our application is open! From August 1 to September 30 we will be collecting upwards of 1300 applications from college seniors interested in being part of the 2018 Orr Fellowship class. This time is crucial in helping us to determine which candidates will move on to the next steps of the recruitment process. Of course, it’s essential that you help yourself stand out through your application. We have some simple tips on how to make your application as strong as it can be!


Make your resume pop.

We’ve made it pretty easy – our application is a fairly simple form and resume drop. It’s important that your resume stands out and that it speaks to all that you’ve been doing for the past four years. Someone should be able to pull out the most important things you’ve done within 15-30 seconds of looking at your resume (of course, we’ll spend more time than that looking at it!).

Some Orr Fellows do an exercise where they hand their resume to a friend for 15 seconds, then they cover it up and ask that friend to repeat the most important points that they can remember. It can be surprising to hear people tell you what they remember in that short time! If it’s not what you expected, try reorganizing your resume.


Sell Yourself.

Nobody knows how you’ve been spending your time in college better than you. Maybe you had three amazing internships. Maybe you spent 15 hours a week giving back to your community. Maybe you founded and served as president for a unique club on campus. Regardless of what you did, it’s important to think about how you can help the reader understand why these things were important.  Did you accomplish anything in that role? Are there any metrics, awards, hours, or certifications that you can emphasize in those roles? Everybody has their niche, so tell us about yours and what you did in it. Highlight your strengths, and emphasize your accomplishments.



You worked hard the last 3.5 years, so don’t sell yourself short by missing errors in your resume. Check spelling, verb tenses, and punctuation. Make sure that all of your points are complete. Take the extra 5 minutes to read it slowly… it will be worth it!


Don’t miss the deadline!

Make sure to submit your application by September 30 to remain in full consideration of the Orr Fellowship program. Visit our application page and apply today!


We are very excited to meet the candidates during this year’s recruitment process. Cheers to a fantastic 2017 recruitment season and finding the strongest class of Orr Fellows this program has ever seen. Best of luck!


Intrigued by Orr Fellowship? Good. You should be. We believe your first job out of college should be meaningful. Orr Fellowship helps top graduates do just that.  Learn more at, and follow us on social media by clicking below.